Sunday, October 6, 2013

C4K Summary for September

For my C4K assignment on 15 September I was assigned Rose's blog where she expressed her beliefs on the topic of abortion. It is indeed a heavy subject matter for a high school sophomore but she handled it very well. Aside from a few very minor grammar errors, she very clearly stated her stance and used personal stories connect with her audience and get her point across.

money printing
On the 22nd of September I was assigned Maggie of Mrs. Lieschke's 5th grade class in Australia. Maggie talked about a trip to see her friend she went on and a detour she took to the Canberra mint. Maggie greatly enjoyed her trip to the mint and brought a question she had concerning the word mint and its origins. I too had wondered where this word came from and she went on to explain it. (which you can read on her blog here ) She certainly taught me something and her blog was very well written!

legendary bird drawing
29 September I went to the blog of 5th grade Kyan of Miss Lavakula's class in Auckland, New Zealand. He had many things he had done for his class on his blog but an illustration of a bird caught my eye. This bird Kyan had made turned out to be the Kakariki of Maori legend. Kyan did a really top job of creating the Kakariki and gave a brief description of the legendary bird. (see for yourself here ) I find the Maori people and culture to be very interesting and I was glad I could learn a little something about them from Kyan.

1 comment:

  1. Jo,
    great blog post last week. My favorite part of your post was Strange Tips for Teachers Part 1. Because you listed pretty much 5 steps to being a great educator! Working hard, be a learner, have fun doing it, be flexible, and know the importance of review. Keep up your blogging!
