Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Project #2- Personal Learning Network

figures connected on a map

Personal Learning Network (PLN) Growth Progression

I use Google's tools and Youtube quite often in my daily life, but when I started EDM 310 and learned I would be using these and other tools in creating a network for learning I was a little worried. I never used Twitter before even though many of my friends had accounts and I had also never used Blogspot. After the few weeks I have experienced in EDM 310 so far I have found these various tools easy to use and very helpful. I am still getting used to using Google+ and Twitter as tools for connecting with people but other tools such as iCurio have proved very useful in even some work outside of EDM 310. Blogger has been amazing not just as a great place to host all of our EDM 310 work but also to connect with other educators. I really enjoy the C4T assignments as they provide an opportunity to experience educators and their work in the field. Skype is another tool I am familiar with outside of this class and I know it has proven to be extremely useful. I have not had the chance to implement it for EDM 310 but I am sure I will be in the near future.  I hope by the end of EDM 310 I will have had more experience with all of these tools and be able to use them effectively to expand upon my PLN. I also view the class blog and all my other classmates' blogs as part of my learning network too. Viewing their work has definitely added to my learning experiences and I hope my blog helps in the same way for them.

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